A much-acclaimed film - Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa is the story of an amazing Nepali woman, who was the first to summit and descend Everest and her determination as single Mum to make a better life for her daughters. A remarkable story and spectacular scenery!
All proceeds will go to help victims of the Floods and Landslides in Nepal. Thousands are in need of shelter, clean water to drink, warm dry clothes and food.
Friday 18th October '24, 7.30 p.m.
In Market Lavington Community Hall.
All proceeds will go to help victims of the Floods and Landslides in Nepal. Thousands are in need of shelter, clean water to drink, warm dry clothes and food.
Friday 18th October '24, 7.30 p.m.
In Market Lavington Community Hall.