Nearly New Sale - Saturday 7th July '18, West Lavington Village Hall 10 -12 noon
A horrendous house fire in Dolakha, Nepal, near Marbu clinic, has left Sita, a little Nepali girl, with 40% burns.
Her mother jumped with her from an upstairs window, and she is also badly burnt and has spinal injuries. Her father, undergoing treatment for a brain tumour, also suffered burns.
Their home is completely destroyed (the home they built after their previous home was destroyed in the earthquake in 2015).
Hospital treatment is not free in Nepal - TNT are collecting 'Nearly New' good quality items for a Summer Sale to raise funds for treatment, If you wish to donate any items please contact Sue Hamblin by Tuesday 3rd July on 07973414601.
Nearly new sale will be on Saturday 7th July'18 at West Lavington Village Hall 10.00 to 12.00 refreshments available, do come and join us thank you.