Beautiful artwork done by the girls at the Sarangkot Nestling Home, thank you for sharing these lovely drawings with us.
Samiksha is 10 yers old and had lost several members of her family to Covid including her brother, aunt and grandmother. Her mother, Laxmi was gravely ill with a heart condition and needed an operation to save her life. Samiksha's father was poor and had no money so he sold his land where he grew vegetables, and neighbours contributed what they could afford. Still there was not enough rupees to pay for the operation and Samiksha was unconsolable knowing how ill her mother was and that without the operation she would die. The Nestling Trust heard of the situation and how many local people had each given money while so poor themselves and stepped in to try to ensure the story has a happy ending.
Laxmi had the operation, following which, she was in intensive care for a worrying few days. TNT are delighted to say that she has now made a full recovery and is reunited with her daughter at home again. The Nestling Trust is unable to arrange our usual social fundraising events due to the Coronovirus restrictions. So we have been busy producing a lovely calendar for 2021 - it depicts typical Nepali scenes as well as a few showcasing our work. The calendars - for which we are asking donations (minimum £10), are available from: Market Lavington Post Office Devizes Books, Devizes Alternatively please contact Sue Hamblin 07973414601 We would be most grateful if you could support this fundraising idea, the calendars would make great Christmas gifts! ![]() The polytunnel frame is now constructed from bamboo grown locally. Krishna and his friends from Alliance Nepal have worked swiftly to erect this shelter to protect the vegetables, from the hailstorms and monsoon weather which is expected from mid June. It now awaits the polythene covering. Meanwhile the children have been very excited wanting to help plant the vegetables.
Huge thanks to krishna and Alliance Nepal for their hard work ensuring the children will have fresh vegetables in the months ahead. Mike and Barry TNT directors, visit Nepal for the first time and meet up with Sue, Bijen and Subash for a meeting in Kathmandu, to discuss the itinerary for the next two weeks. On the agenda will be the 'Completion Ceremony' of the Children's Home at Sarangkot, and visiting the four Health Clinics in the Dolakha region. Mark and Nancy Reilly have reached Santiago after walking a gruelling 488 miles to raise funds to help the Nestling Trust build a home for destitute/trafficked children in Nepal. It is a fantastic effort, and they have raised more than £3565 for the Home which is now under construction at Sarangkot. We would like to express our sincere thanks to them for their time, effort and dedication, and to all who have supported them so generously, to help us reach our goal.
Tarjan Subba Takes On The Challenge - The Power Of Running Can Change Lives!This is no ordinary marathon, it's set amidst the mountains of Nepal. A supreme effort by Tarjan, running on behalf of The Nestling Trust, to raise funds to build a home for destitute and trafficked children.
For two days prior to the 'Impact Marathon' Tarjan, with fellow athletes, will be helping rebuild a school in an area badly hit by the earthquake. Please support Tarjun in his fantastic bid to help provide shelter for Nepal's most vulnerable children, every penny donated goes directly to the Nestling Trust's project in Nepal, nothing is used for personal expenses. Thank you Tarjun from the Nestling Trust, we think you are amazing! and thank you to everyone who helps by making a donation, we are most grateful. Children's home - Foundation Stone is laid.This is a day to remember - the laying of the foundation stone for the Children's Home at Sarangkot. Bijendra Aryal Nestling Trust director and Shristy President of Himshikhara together with Krishna and his father who once farmed the land, Members of the Village Development Committee and officials from Pokhara Municipality came together to celebrate the start of construction. In the words of Coldplay 'Nobody said it was easy, nobody said it would be this hard!' - it has been three years in the planning, now three governments and a major earthquake later it is on the way! If all goes well we hope it will be completed one year from now. At last the news we have been waiting for ...........
Permission has finally been granted 15 months after the earthquake which halted all plans for new building until building regulations had been revised and published by the Nepalese government. All existing plans had then to be resubmitted and ours is one of the first to be approved in Pokhara. Special thanks to Krishna, Bijen, Shudhir and Himshikhara for your hard work and perseverance, and thank you to all our supporters for believing this could happen and making everything possible. Why the Nestling trust? Here is the reason!
In 2011 these children were living in squalor - their home the makeshift tent in which their father had just died. The hugely overstretched child welfare board and various NGO's trying to cope with thousands of destitute children were unable to assist. Sadly within three months the mother also died. ... Thanks to support from friends in Wiltshire this little family were supported and cared for through the WeWomen's Clinic, Banepa. Nearly a year later after much searching, places were found in a children's home run by an organisation from Belgium. Yesterday the amazing photo on the left popped into my inbox - the child on the left is the little girl I first saw in her mothers arms on the right. Twice she nearly died but was nursed back to health, now she and her brother's and sister's are healthy and happy to be growing up together in a caring home. Now they go to school and have hope for the future. Through the Nestling Trust we can continue to create happy outcomes for other children living in despair and sadness. Please visit our website Susan visited Sarangkot with Bijen, one of the Nestling Trust directors in Nepal (centre) and Krishna(left).Krishna will be overseeing the building of the home and reporting to Bijen. A meeting was held with the contractors and design engineer where plans were reviewed and further ideas considered. it is hoped that work will commence in September '14 after the monsoon season.
London To Kathmandu Appeal