First Baby Born In Baiteshwor Health and Birthing Centre
Recently, the local government granted permission for the Baiteshwor health and Birthing Centre to be used for deliveries, and on 21st April '24, Manuka gave birth to a healthy baby boy weighing 6lb 6oz.
Both mother and baby are doing very well and have now returned home.
The Nestling Trust congratulates Manuka and her husband and the midwives and staff, who have cared for her during her pregnancy. The midwives will continue to provide post natal care and advice for mother and baby.
This is a triumph where local government and The Nestling Trust have worked together and local people have worked tirelessly to provide this much-needed facility.
Had the centre not been built, Manuka would have had to trek for hours along mountain tracks to reach the nearest health centre, and would not have arrived in time - her baby was born within an hour of reaching the Baiteshwor Health and Birthing Centre.
The Nestling Trust thanks the midwives, nurses and all staff for their skills and commitment, Government officials for their vision and determination, and all those who have contributed in any way to the planning and construction of the building, and of course to our many loyal supporters who have helped fund this project that will help to save lives.
Both mother and baby are doing very well and have now returned home.
The Nestling Trust congratulates Manuka and her husband and the midwives and staff, who have cared for her during her pregnancy. The midwives will continue to provide post natal care and advice for mother and baby.
This is a triumph where local government and The Nestling Trust have worked together and local people have worked tirelessly to provide this much-needed facility.
Had the centre not been built, Manuka would have had to trek for hours along mountain tracks to reach the nearest health centre, and would not have arrived in time - her baby was born within an hour of reaching the Baiteshwor Health and Birthing Centre.
The Nestling Trust thanks the midwives, nurses and all staff for their skills and commitment, Government officials for their vision and determination, and all those who have contributed in any way to the planning and construction of the building, and of course to our many loyal supporters who have helped fund this project that will help to save lives.