Finally after weeks trying to locate essential medical items such as masks, gloves, aprons and thermal gun thermometers etc Sitara, our partner NGO organised delivery to four of our five Health Posts today with a further delivery planned on Thursday to Lapilang Health Post and the District Health Office medical staff.
In these exceptional times with the Covid-19 virus spreading so rapidly around the world, it is hard to find such equipment, even in developed countries, so we can understand the difficulties Sitara has faced in gathering these items and also for arranging the transportation despite the 'lockdown' in Nepal. In particular finding infrared thermal gun thermometers, vital in trying to identifying those likely to be suffering from the virus has proved to be almost impossible with stocks in the country having been bought up by a syndicate for sale on the black market. Police arrested the perpetrators and confiscated the thermometers. After days of contacting different suppliers and hours of negotiations Sitara has finally secured ten.The Nestling Trust thanks SItara most sincerely for their commitment and determination.
Thank you also to our loyal supporters - without you this would not be possible.
In these exceptional times with the Covid-19 virus spreading so rapidly around the world, it is hard to find such equipment, even in developed countries, so we can understand the difficulties Sitara has faced in gathering these items and also for arranging the transportation despite the 'lockdown' in Nepal. In particular finding infrared thermal gun thermometers, vital in trying to identifying those likely to be suffering from the virus has proved to be almost impossible with stocks in the country having been bought up by a syndicate for sale on the black market. Police arrested the perpetrators and confiscated the thermometers. After days of contacting different suppliers and hours of negotiations Sitara has finally secured ten.The Nestling Trust thanks SItara most sincerely for their commitment and determination.
Thank you also to our loyal supporters - without you this would not be possible.